Membership Renewal Application

This membership renewal form must be completed in its entirety (five pages) and submitted along with payment to be considered a member in good standing.


herewith applies for renewal of membership in the Regina Multicultural Council for a one-year period from January 01, 2025, to December 31, 2025.

$75.00 Voting Membership Fee (before Dec 31, 2023)
$50.00 Non-Voting Membership Fee (before Dec 31, 2023)
$15.00 Individual Member (before Dec 31, 2023)

(Must be postmarked no later than January 2, 2024)

$100.00 Voting Membership Fee (after Jan 02, 2024)
$75.00 Non-Voting Membership Fee (after Jan 02, 2024)

The new Anti-Spam legislation came into effect in Canada July 1, 2014. The Regina Multicultural Council requests your consent; in signing below, you have given permission to Regina Multicultural Council to send emails, newsletters, invitations, event notices, notifications, and any other materials via email to those listed on this membership application.

Member in Good Standing:
All renewed members for 2024 will be named “Members in Good Standing”. If there are opportunities and your member group signs up for participation and fails to commit to the opportunity or exhibits behavior that is unsatisfactory to the protocol or prestige of the event the member group will not be named a member in good standing and it is possible that they will not be asked to participate at the next opportunity.

It is the responsibility of your organization to maintain liaison with the Regina Multicultural Council. Only two members from each Voting Member Group will be the only people who may vote on behalf of the members. The Regina Multicultural Council will send communications and notices intended for the member organization to the email provided for the organization. Changes will only come effective when the RMC office receives written notice of thesechanges.